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Chair Report




The Human Rights Council will be discussing the causes and roots of violent religious extremism in Europe. It is the duty of the Human Rights Council to defend and preserve the rights, freedom, and safety of all human beings; Europe is no exception. This conference will be focusing on how to further prevent these violent extremist actions through the address, sharing, and fusing of diverse national stances and their solutions.


As the Human Rights Council, it is the council's duty to not only protect these human rights but also to promote them to raise awareness. By halting human rights abuses due to Violent Religious Extremism in Europe, victims will suffer less from allegations committed by extremist groups. When discussing this agenda and drafting resolutions, consider not only how the issue can be resolved but also how you can utilize your national stance.

Administrative Staff

Sara Khim is a senior attending Taejon Christian International School (TCIS). She has participated in two MUN conferences: one as a delegate (SIG MUN VI) and one as a chair of UNHRC (DB MUN). For this MUN, she expects fruitful debate and fresh ideas to be brought to the conference. 


Sara Khim


Cole Kim

Cole Kim is a senior attending Asia Pacific International School (APIS) and he started his MUN career in 9th grade by attending GC Seoul 8. Ever since then, he has attended numerous MUNs including MUNOS 2015, GLIS MUN 11, Yale MUN 2015, GC Seoul 9, SKYMUN III, and SIG MUN VI. He has also participated in a wide variety of committees including SC, HSC, DISEC, ECOFIN, and ECOSOC. Cole considers MUN to not only be a tournament but also a social event and hopes the delegates will have a great time meeting and discussing with one another.

A very bright and cheerful soul, she wishes to lead her committee with this positive energy, helping provide each and every delegate with an experience that one would never forget. 

Currently attending Cheongna Dalton School (CDS), Sophia Yewon Jung is a  junior and has been actively involved MUNs. Having participated in DALMUN, DSMUN, and Vivid MUN, she hopes to make use of these various MUN experiences to help make MUNEFF a successful conference. If help is needed, don't hesitate to come talk to her. 


Sophia Yewon Jung

Head Staff

Evan Chung

Evan Chung is a senior at APIS Seoul. During his life in Brazil, he participated in the Political Committee as the delegate of Mexico, in which he was awarded his Honorable Mention. Even though this is his first conference in a while and also his first time working as a staff, he hopes that this opportunity could provide him an insight of how MUN functions once again. Best of luck to all participants!

Deputy Staff

Joseph Park

Joseph Park is a junior attending Cheongna Dalton School (CDS). Though MUNEFF is his first MUN conference, he wanted to engage in MUN and gain experience. Because he is an introvert, he wanted to be a part of the staff team so that he can spectate debates and learn from them. After hearing that MUNEFF was looking for a staff member, he and his friend signed up immediately. He is worried that he will make mistakes because this is his first time. He is looking forward to this MUN for future roles and improvement.

Anchor 1

Human Rights Council (HRC)

Measures to Halt Human Rights Abuses

due to Violent Religious Extremism

in Europe

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