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Chair Report




The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was established in 1964 because of the absence of an intergovernmental body that tackles the challenges of developing countries. As such, the UNCTAD provides technical assistance to developing member states in their challenge to integrate global trade and works with other bodies such as the International Trade Center (ITC), World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Chamber of Commerce, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the World Bank, and the International Labor Organization (ILO).

As a committee centered on economics, it is the council's duty to develop cost-effective solutions to resolve the issue at hand. Consider the following questions. Who is able to invest in these projects? What incentives do all groups of people have by reconstructing states with heavy sovereign debt? When discussing this agenda and drafting resolutions, consider not only how to answer these questions effectively but also how you can utilize your national stance.

Administrative Staff

Daniel Koo is a junior attending Asia Pacific International School (APIS). His first MUN conference was MUNOS in 2014 and has since attended numerous MUNs such as GLIS MUN and MUNY and even received an award in one of those MUNs. He has participated in various committees such as the UNSC, ECOSOC, ECOFIN, and UNICEF. He hopes that MUNEFF will bring a fresh start in the MUN industry as a conference that offers all of its delegates "cheaper yet cherishing" experiences. 


Daniel Koo

Eric is a current junior attending Cheongna Dalton School (CDS).  He first started MUN by participating a delegate in DALMUN 2016. He joined DALMUN due to his friend's recommendation. As he experienced DALMUN, he gained confidence by participating in various activities. As time passed, he wanted to partake in things that he could not achieve as a delegate. Therefore, he joined the Vivid MUN: The Dream staff team. By the end of Vivid MUN, he realized how important the staff role is in MUN. Eric joined MUNEFF the Genesis despite the intensive workload. As a staff member, he had experienced the fun that he could not sense as a delegate. This is what motivated him to join MUNEFF.

Head Staff

Eric Jihoon Kim


Hannah Kim


Yoobin Lee

Hannah Kim is a junior attending Seoul International School (SIS). With SEOMUN XIX of 2016 marking her first conference, she has attended various MUN conferences both in Seoul and overseas. Through such conferences, she has experience of being in a wide range of committees: HRC, GA, Special Conference, ECOSOC, and ICJ. She wishes to have a meaningful experience built on lasting relationships and fruitful ideas brought to the table by delegates.

Yoobin Lee is a junior attending Cheongna Dalton School (CDS). She started her MUN career as a chair in DALMUN online trainings. She has participated in about 10 training sessions and later had to give up her chair position due to an excess of chairs. She couldn't participate in the conference as a chair that time, so she applied to MUNEFF to accomplish the goal that she couldn't in the past.

Anchor 2

UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD/Ad Hoc)

Viable Plans to Reconstruct States

with Heavy Sovereign Debt

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